Discover the whirlwind romances of World War 2's GI Brides

What was it like to be in London on VE Day?
10 everyday inventions we owe to World War 2
The secrets behind Florence Nightingale's name

Who is the most inspirational woman in history? [live poll]

12 powerful women at the centre of the Jacobite Rebellions in Scotland

Discover the real runners of the First World War and their incredible stories

16 hilarious answers our ancestors gave in school tests

England's Peterloo Massacre victims and their shocking stories

9 Surprising Facts About Queen Victoria

9 April Fools' Pranks From The Past That Will Make You Question Everything You Read

Using City Directories in your Research

Archaic Anti-Suffrage Slogans we Hope to Never See Again

6 life lessons from the women's suffrage movement

"If-Christ-Had-Not-Died-for-Thee-Thou-Hads't-Been-Damned"... The Weird and Wonderful Names of the English Puritans

10 Jobs That Don't Exist Anymore

This Irish patriot fired the first American cannon shots

A brief history of early US immigration policy

First recorded Great Plague death discovered in parish record