Intriguing new records from both sides of the Atlantic

2-3 minute read

By Liam Kelly | July 24, 2020

Findmypast Friday new records

Fill your weekend with family history as we release brand new records and newspaper pages.

An eclectic mix of family records has arrived on the site this Findmypast Friday, along with the oldest newspaper in our collection. Here are all the details on what’s new.

Warwickshire Burials

Pinpoint your Warwickshire relatives’ final resting places with over 140,000 additional records from three cemeteries. These poignant records can reveal essential details for your family tree including:

Records from the following cemeteries have been added in this update:

To see all the cemeteries covered in this 2-million-strong record collection, check its place list. And delve into our Warwickshire baptisms, marriages, and banns for even more West Midlands family milestones.

Warwickshire, Coventry Pawnbroker Tickets 1915-1923

These unique mementos from the First World War era reveal what the people of Coventry pawned and the money they made. As well as giving us an insight into the area's social history, the records can also be useful for adding color to your Coventry family's past. They include details like:

Covering transactions made at Wm. Brookes at 1-2 Silver Street and 118 Gosford Street and Philips Electric Arc Welding Ltd, the tickets were transcribed and provided by the Coventry Family History Society.

United States, Idaho, Reconstructed 1890 Idaho Census

The 1890 US Census was destroyed by fire. This substitute index can help plug the gaps for the state of Idaho. Created by volunteers and staff from Idaho State Archives, the records can reveal important family details like names, dates, and locations.

19th century Idaho

The mining district of Burke, Idaho, 1890.

Consisting of federal, state, and local government records, the collection pinpoints as many Idaho residents as possible between 1885 to 1894. It can be a real lifesaver if you're trying to trace Idaho relatives in the late 19th century.


This week, one of six new releases has become the oldest newspaper in our archive. Plus, two papers have grown with pages from additional years. Brand new to the collection, we have:

Edinburgh Gazette old newspaper

Edinburgh Gazette - the only newspaper in our archive dating back to the 17th century.

Meanwhile, we've added even more coverage to:

Findmypast Fridays live

What jaw-dropping pieces of your past have our family records or newspapers revealed? We'd love to hear about your discoveries. Share them on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter with #FindmypastFeatured.

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Liam Kelly FindmypastLiam Kelly